
sabato 31 marzo 2018

Come migliorare la nostra Salute bevendo acqua pura

Non so se vi capita spesso quanto a me, ma ogni volta che consulto un medico per qualunque tipo di problematica la prima cosa che mi chiede è se 
bevo almeno 1,5 lt di acqua al giorno.


Ecco spiegato:
il nostro corpo ha un bisogno continuo di approvvigionarsi di acqua. L’acqua è elemento fondamentale per la maggior parte dei processi fisici e chimici della vita come la respirazione, la digestione, l’assimilazione delle sostanze nutrienti, la circolazione, l’eliminazione delle tossine, la regolazione della temperatura corporea…

Dal primo momento in cui inizia la nostra vita nel grembo materno l’acqua è dentro di noi l’elemento predominante. Dovremmo prestare molta più attenzione alla salubrità dell’acqua che beviamo e utilizziamo per cucinare: “Siamo fatti di acqua” più di quanto riusciamo ad immaginare!

giovedì 29 marzo 2018

Capri Jeans by Shein

In primavera adoro indossare i pantaloni in stile Capri e quando ho scovato questi jeans su Shein non ho resisitito all'acquisto!

In spring I love wearing Capri-style trousers and when I found these jeans on Shein I did not resume the purchase!

martedì 27 marzo 2018

Felpa Lunga Maniche Pizzo Shein

Il pizzo, stagione dopo stagione, è diventato un vero e proprio must-have ed è per questo che è un tessuto intramontabile.
Cosi' ho scelto la mia nuova felpa con le maniche in pizzo. Davvero bellissima!

The lace, season after season, has become a real must-have and that is why it is a timeless fabric.
So I chose my new sweatshirt with lace sleeves. Really beautiful!


domenica 25 marzo 2018

Skate Shoes Dresslily

Le Skate Shoes sono intramontabili e le ragazzine adorano indossarle perchè comode ed adatte a diversi outfit.
Oggi vi propongo quelle che a scelto mia figlia nel sito 
The Skate Shoes are timeless and the girls love to wear them because they are comfortable and suitable for different outfits.
Today I propose you those that chose my daughter on the site

venerdì 23 marzo 2018

GIGLIO BIANCO - trilogia di Simona Bagnato

"Adoro questo fiore candido dallo stelo maestoso. Nel corso dei secoli il giglio ha assunto diversi significati: conosciuto fin dall'antichità, per i greci era addirittura una simbolo sacro, perché credevano fosse nato dal latte. Il suo nome deriva proprio dal greco: significa purezza,verginità e candore. "

Per l'angolo della lettura oggi vi parlo di una bellissima trilogia della scrittrice
Simona Bagnato

mercoledì 14 marzo 2018

Spring wish list Shein


Get 10% off over €29 CODE:STARE10
Get 15% off over €59 CODE:STARE15
Get 20% off over €109 CODE:STARE20

New season new fashion

Shop your best outfit with the strongest discount

La Primavera è arrivata, le giornate sono ricche di sole e l'aria è mite. L'occasione per rinnovare il guardaroba è questa...voglia di nuovo e leggero!
Ecco allora la mia wish list su 


Spring has arrived, the days are sunny and the air is mild. The opportunity to renew the wardrobe is this ... new and light desire!
Here is my wish list on 

domenica 11 marzo 2018

Teenager Salopette Rosegal

Senza dubbio la salopette è un capo di abbigliamento molto amato dalle teenager!
Pratica da indossare regala un look sbarazzino ed a seconda degli accessoi abbinati puo' essere indossata in tante occasioni.
 Un evergreen recentemente rivalutato!
Ho acquistato su Zaful la salopette che indossa mia figlia abbinata ad un simpaticissimo cerchietto per capelli!

Practice to wear gives a casual look and depending on the accesses combined can be worn on many occasions.
 A recently revalued evergreen!
I bought overalls Zaful wearing my daughter combined with a very nice hairband!

Tagliatelle ai frutti di mare

Avete mai provato le nuove Emiliane Barilla Tagliatelle ai 5 cereali e uova?
Beh io si e le ho abbinate ad un sughetto bianco di frutti di mare e le ho trovate davvero saporite, corpose e dal gusto deciso!

Ecco a voi le mie
Tagliatelle ai frutti di mare

sabato 10 marzo 2018

Spring Sale on Yoins

Finally Spring is coming and it's time to renew the wardrobe to add color and lightness in the wardrobes and in our look!
I found a very interesting site where you can find many proposals and many offers

mercoledì 7 marzo 2018

Zaful wish list women's day

Domani è la Festa della Donna e come festeggiare al meglio se non facendo un po di shopping on line? Vi consiglio di visitare il sito ZAFUL dove potrete trovare tante proposte tutte dedicate alla festa 

Tomorrow is the Women's Day and how to celebrate better if not doing some online shopping? I recommend you visit the site Zaful where you can find many proposals all dedicated to the 

martedì 6 marzo 2018

Oblivium - Vesper recensione libri

Per la sezione recensione libri oggi vi propongo due titoli della scrittrice

Martina Battistelli 

editi da Lettere Animate

lunedì 5 marzo 2018

Zaful Jeans

Nuovi arrivi da Zaful! 

New arrivals from Zaful!

An outfit guide for powerful women

Happy day for all these beautiful and powerful women!
Women’ s Day is almost here and the perfect plan to celebrate it is… a shooping guide!! Zaful website has unbeliable promotions. I am sure you are going to LOVE. If you are a shopaholic as me you will enjoy it as much as I do because the more you buy, the more you save!
From 6th till 16th March you will have three different promotions. You can see them here , but I am going to explain them better for you:


Who run the world? Girls!!! We are in a time that it is great to be a woman. In the early centuries women were always deemed to be lower class in society and can't perform and enjoy equal rights with men. Though we must admit that there are still places in the world that women are being suppressed to reach full potential, but majority are exercising their rights and achieving their full capacities. It's still a long run but soon we will be able to achieve it. 
I am proud that I am a woman. I am proud of how we have become empowered, that we are not only seen in society as household people. We can now speak out our minds, occupy positions in businesses and governments, be educated and basically do our things, be independent and successful in our chosen fields of interests. 
IMG_257To celebrate the independent and empowered women of the world, Zaful is launching their annual Zaful Women's Day Special Promotions just a little tribute for us females who make things happen. This promo offers a lot of deals and surprises for Zaful customers, like Free Shipping (everyone loves free shipping right?), discount coupons, buy more save more, Zaful points (which you can use to lower the cost of your entire order) or 90% off deals
Don't forget to share this news with your girlfriends so they can also avail of New Member deals and you together with your friends can also avail of the BFF Look book and Combo Sets. Also in this promotion, Zaful will also be offering Self-Service Refunds and Extended Warranty Returns for 45 Days. Oh and there are games too where you can win free shipping, coupons and points. Check out the info graphic that I included in this post for more details. 
IMG_264Later lovelies... (cue in Beyonce' s Who Run The World song...)

Rosegal Women' s Day 2018 Gifts

Wonder Woman is a superhero comic book and movie adaptation that shows the equally powerful and strong aspects of a woman. It’s feminist and a showcase that what men can do, women can do also, sometimes even better. Of course, we shall deal with this subject beyond the superficial characteristics of the character. I know, she is beautiful like a goddess and have the body that can make any man fall for her. But beyond that, she’s intelligent, independent, strong, athletic and determined.

Are you looking for special deals for Women’ s Day?

Lots and big kisses beautiful ladies!

 Today I bring to you a very special post. It is so important for me because I believe in powerful and strong women, like you and me, and one of my favorite online stores, Rosegal, made a beautiful campaign to support this lovely day: Rosegal Women’ s Day Special Promotions.
 I am sure you are looking for the perfect look Spring but you don’t want to buy expensive clothes and you need to find special and awesome deals. If I am right, Rosegal is your solution. To celebrate Women’ s Day, 8th March, they create a complete sales campaing! You can see their promotion here and I am going to explain in this post, step by step, how you can get better discounts.
  1. Calendar and Dates Guide: I don’t want you to miss any of their promotions so, firstly, I am going to talk about main dates of these sales:
: From 1st to 6th March you will have a Massive Sale Preview on Rosegal website. In these six days you would be able to win free gifts! I am sure I will take a look to it in order to get free items.
: From 7th to 9th March you will have three days to get up to a 80% discount and the possibility to win $50. Can it be better? Of course, they will have free expedited shipping.
: From 10th to 12th March be alert! The final 72 hours of Rosegal Women’ s Day Special Promotions. If you are surprised with the previous sales and discount, these days you can save even more and enjoy bigger discounts.
2. What do you have to do if you want big coupons?
: You have three different options if you want big coupons:
: To get free big discounts, from 26th February to 12th March, you just have to go to their promotion website and subscribe with your email address. You will be the first to get 3.8 Mega Sale mystery discount.
: If you shop at Rosegal from 7th to 9th March and you sing in for 3 days consecutively, you will be able to win a $50 gift card.
: Your friends need to know it! If you share this promotion and your friends join and order you will get free products!
: Play Lucky Draw. This funny game will give you the opportunity to win points, coupons and free items.

: Look for some keywords on Rosegal and a lot of awesome surprises up to $38 will wait for you.
: The last thing you need to know if you want big coupons is that you will get them if you download Rosegal App.
3. What do you have to do if you want best service?
: From 7th to 9th March, Rosegal offers to you Free Expedited Shipping over $99  
: From 1st to 12th March, their 30 days return warranty will be extended to 45 Days!!
: Rosegal have a 7 days / 24 hours customer service, in order to resolve any of your problems or doubts.
4. What do you have to do if you want best deals?
They are three different ways to get best deals:
: In this link, if you buy one item you get a 15% off but it will increase if you buy more items. Buy 3 and you get a 25% off and buy 3 and you get 35% off.
: Another way to save if you buy selected pieces. Buy one and save $2, buy two and save $6 and buy 3 and save $12.
: And last but not least, you will get two jewelry for free if you buy one dress or you can buy three pieces under €59 if you go here.
I am sure you are excited because these promotions are amazing. To finish my post I will let you know some of my favorites items (with special deals for sure). I am a fanatic of swimwear and I think it is the perfect time to buy it cheaper! I chose for you four of them, but you have A LOT of lovely and awesome pieces.
Bikini. A black bikini is a must have like this Lace up Back Scalloped Bikini.  If you are a flower fan as me, this Stereo Floral Halter Neck Bikini has to be yours.


One piece swimsuit. As you know, one piece swimsuits are a trend and striped ones too like this striped Low Cut Thong One piece Swimsuit. If flowers are a must have in Bikinis, they are also in one piece swimwear like this lovely Floral One Piece Low Back Swimsuit.


Do you love these sales? What items are you going to choose?


An outfit guide for powerful women

Happy day for all these beautiful and powerful women!
Women’ s Day is almost here and the perfect plan to celebrate it is… a shooping guide!! Zaful website has unbeliable promotions. I am sure you are going to LOVE. If you are a shopaholic as me you will enjoy it as much as I do because the more you buy, the more you save!
From 6th till 16th March you will have three different promotions. You can see them here , but I am going to explain them better for you:



Who run the world? Girls!!! We are in a time that it is great to be a woman. In the early centuries women were always deemed to be lower class in society and can't perform and enjoy equal rights with men. Though we must admit that there are still places in the world that women are being suppressed to reach full potential, but majority are exercising their rights and achieving their full capacities. It's still a long run but soon we will be able to achieve it. 
I am proud that I am a woman. I am proud of how we have become empowered, that we are not only seen in society as household people. We can now speak out our minds, occupy positions in businesses and governments, be educated and basically do our things, be independent and successful in our chosen fields of interests. 

Are you looking for special deals for Women’ s Day?

Lots and big kisses beautiful ladies!

 Today I bring to you a very special post. It is so important for me because I believe in powerful and strong women, like you and me, and one of my favorite online stores, Rosegal, made a beautiful campaign to support this lovely day: Rosegal Women’ s Day Special Promotions.
 I am sure you are looking for the perfect look Spring but you don’t want to buy expensive clothes and you need to find special and awesome deals. If I am right, Rosegal is your solution. To celebrate Women’ s Day, 8th March, they create a complete sales campaing! You can see their promotion here and I am going to explain in this post, step by step, how you can get better discounts.
1. Calendar and Dates Guide: I don’t want you to miss any of their promotions so, firstly, I am going to talk about main dates of these sales:
: From 1st to 6th March you will have a Massive Sale Preview on Rosegal website. In these six days you would be able to win free gifts! I am sure I will take a look to it in order to get free items.
: From 7th to 9th March you will have three days to get up to a 80% discount and the possibility to win $50. Can it be better? Of course, they will have free expedited shipping.
: From 10th to 12th March be alert! The final 72 hours of Rosegal Women’ s Day Special Promotions. If you are surprised with the previous sales and discount, these days you can save even more and enjoy bigger discounts.
2. What do you have to do if you want big coupons?
: You have three different options if you want big coupons:
: To get free big discounts, from 26th February to 12th March, you just have to go to their promotion website and subscribe with your email address. You will be the first to get 3.8 Mega Sale mystery discount.
: If you shop at Rosegal from 7th to 9th March and you sing in for 3 days consecutively, you will be able to win a $50 gift card.
: Your friends need to know it! If you share this promotion and your friends join and order you will get free products!
: Play Lucky Draw. This funny game will give you the opportunity to win points, coupons and free items.

: Look for some keywords on Rosegal and a lot of awesome surprises up to $38 will wait for you.
: The last thing you need to know if you want big coupons is that you will get them if you download Rosegal App.
3. What do you have to do if you want best service?
: From 7th to 9th March, Rosegal offers to you Free Expedited Shipping over $99  
: From 1st to 12th March, their 30 days return warranty will be extended to 45 Days!!
: Rosegal have a 7 days / 24 hours customer service, in order to resolve any of your problems or doubts.
4. What do you have to do if you want best deals?
They are three different ways to get best deals:
: In this link, if you buy one item you get a 15% off but it will increase if you buy more items. Buy 3 and you get a 25% off and buy 3 and you get 35% off.
: Another way to save if you buy selected pieces. Buy one and save $2, buy two and save $6 and buy 3 and save $12.
: And last but not least, you will get two jewelry for free if you buy one dress or you can buy three pieces under €59 if you go here.
I am sure you are excited because these promotions are amazing. To finish my post I will let you know some of my favorites items (with special deals for sure). I am a fanatic of swimwear and I think it is the perfect time to buy it cheaper! I chose for you four of them, but you have A LOT of lovely and awesome pieces.
Bikini. A black bikini is a must have like this Lace up Back Scalloped Bikini.  If you are a flower fan as me, this Stereo Floral Halter Neck Bikini has to be yours.


One piece swimsuit. As you know, one piece swimsuits are a trend and striped ones too like this striped Low Cut Thong One piece Swimsuit. If flowers are a must have in Bikinis, they are also in one piece swimwear like this lovely Floral One Piece Low Back Swimsuit.


Do you love these sales? What items are you going to choose?
